Thursday 29 October 2015

The Aftermath of Haze By - Zain Ahmed

The world knows, the world fears, of the gastric destruction that pollutes countries in South East Asia. Aided by Global Warming, haze is able to sprout from Indonesia, into countries such as Singapore and Malaysia.

The winds from the Indian Ocean guide these burnt wood scents towards countries in Southeast Asia. Also, Global Warming prevents rain from occurring making it unable for rain to drown out these hazardous gases.

Indonesia have a mass amount of resources, making it their primary cause of a surviving economy, however every year, tons of palm trees have taken the fate of getting burnt down.

Conflicts have been brewing that Indonesia have to come up with a safer and more efficient way to prevent bulks of trees from getting scorched. However, Indonesia have been declining these requests that Singapore demand to use, as new elected ‘PAP’ are striving towards cleaner air to inhale.

The government is getting forced to shut schools down. At the 24th September 2015 9:15pm, Channel News Asia stated that the government had to shut schools down of the upcoming Friday. Students delighted by this treat, receiving in an extension of a weekend.

One student - Zain Ahmad of the school UWCSEA EAST quoted, “My friends and I were baffled to get the information. We were celebrating as we were supposed to have a test that day.”

The haze levels in SouthEast Asia are coming in with heavy PSI numbers, and countries like Singapore and Malaysia: stay indoors, wear masks and hope that soon, you will smell fresh air once again.

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