Thursday 29 October 2015

A Random Dog By - Finn O'Donohoe

It was a peaceful, quiet day at the O’Donohoe House on October 12. Until Midday when A random dog walked in through the front gate. The dog was brown and little fat. Only Finn, Lila, and their mum Nathalie, were home. When they all saw the dog they were surprised, Raffles, their dog ran up to the stranger dog and they started playing.

The dog had a collar on but it did not say anything so Nathalie then started to ring on all of the neighbor's door bells to see if the dog was theirs. Unfortunately it was nobodys. Nathalie then said “I have no idea what to do with him, I don’t want to keep him, he’s not even ours”. She started stressing a lot.

She then put out a photo of him on Facebook hoping the owner would check. After 2 hours a lady came up to the gate and rang the bell. She said she was the owner of the dog and everyone was then all relieved. The lady said she came from 4 streets away and everyone was confused how the dog managed to get all the way to them. At the end everyone was really happy to have the dog back home.

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