Thursday 29 October 2015

A Lost Phone Call By - Alex Wachs

In 2012 As, Alex Wachs was in the middle of a game of Fifa, when he hear the doorbell ring. He asked his Mum to get it as he couldn't pause my game. Alex had just remembered that she had gone to work, so he went and headed for the door. The doorbell rings again, and again. He rushes to the come to the door and puts his dog outside. He opens the door and greeted his friend greet. They both went straight to his room. When they come back to his room the score in my game is now 2-4 to him. Alex’s friends  asks him to let him play and he started playing.

As soon as he hand him the controller, Alex could hear his ringtone go off e and the name that pops up on the screen is “Grandmother.” He felt to lazy and wasn't in the mood to talk right now since one of his best friends was over. He  just hang up and went back to check on his friend. One week later while Alex was  doing homework he can hear the ringtone go off. The name that appears in “Grandmother.” Alex was doing his homework so he  couldn't talk. For around 2 months, every week Alex got a phone call from my Grandmother and he only talked to her once. We just talked about how he was and about school. It was a very short conversation.

The next week he got a phone call from his Grandfather, he Wasn't into mood to talk so Alex hang up. He gets another phone call from him, and another and another. He picked up because something was obviously wrong, and the first thing that comes out his Grandfather's mouth is “Your Grandmother died today.” The moment he said these words Alex broke down in tears. He was speechless from this heartbreaking news.

Till this day every single day, Alex regrets not picking up the phone. He can't believe that the reason he didn't want to talk to her was because “I am too lazy to talk right now.” Every Time Alex think about himself saying that he break down in sadness. Alex quoted saying “Just thinking that I will never ever be able to speak to her and ask her about her week is just heartbreaking!”

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