Thursday 29 October 2015

Rats - Devon Russell

At the Hacienda, a condo that houses over 2,000 people, is dealing with a recent infection of rats, and no one knows why or when it started. There have been many speculations. Everyone on the left side of the condo has seen them scurrying back into the shadows. All residents are worried that they will find a way into their kitchens, but it doesn't seem that they need food after Cherry, 38, a fourth floor resident claims that one was as big as some of the newborn kittens a local resident owns.

The rats have nested in block 5, where two local cats have disappeared from a first floor resident’s home. “They were always out and about” says Sara, 36, “they used to prowl around the drains.” Maybe their presence was keeping the rats at bay, but another resident of block 5 objects. “There is a building being knocked down next to us,” they have nowhere to go Cherry implied. Many of the condo’s residents think that because of the haze, the rats have decided to live among our parked cars. The haze is too much for them, so they need cover during the day, and a sheltered drain is the perfect place.

On october 1st, 3:45 pm a little girl, Xanthy and her younger brother Zachy discovered a rat’s skeleton in a drain next to their family’s car. The youngsters were appalled, but according the The Hacienda’s longtime security guard Timothy, 54, there has been less sighting of the rats. “They are dying because they have no food,” this is a good sign for the condo because the rats will soon be gone.

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