Thursday 29 October 2015

Haze Days - Tanvi Singh

The news about haze has spread like a wild fire through the media, all around the world; Everyone knows that the South East Asia has been hit by haze. In Indonesia (Sumatra), small-scale farmers have their annual forest fire, to make a non reusable item, palm oil. The consequences of burning trees have been serious and hazardous. It is not only impacting Indonesia, but also neighboring countries, such as Singapore.

During the month of September, the haze went up to 300+. This had made the MOE of Singapore, contact the government and close all the schools, until the haze was lower. The haze level hasn’t really decreased since then. This issue was really concerning the government because, the schools were shutting down, kids were getting easily affected by the pollution, tourism had stop.

Over that the residents worry about the fact that the vision level has been low, and the air that we are breathing are full of chemicals. Don’t you think that we deserve to breathe quality air? Well, I believe that we shouldn’t breathe polluted air, just because Indonesia wants to burn trees for oil. Right now, Singapore and other countries are trying to stop Indonesia from continuing this action. Expert sat that in order to fully resolve this crisis it will take 100+ years. Will they succeed? Stay tuned to find out more.

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