Wednesday 9 December 2015

Technology: Use and Abuse - Aryan Goyanka

BBC news in the technology section of August 2014 made an interesting revelation that the average student spends at least 9 hours a day on technology, this includes, homework assignments, social media, games, communication, research, etc... Do students realise how much time is spent by them using technology?

My parents and their friends always talk about the differences in the ways of learning, between their time and the modern day times. Majority of the lessons at UWCSEA includes students being actively engaged on their laptops. From researching sites to finding credible resources to compiling their own notes; and in-between, engaging in discussions with friends; student don’t realize how time flies. A modern day student’s life is dominated by technology. Technology being user friendly enables easy access to students.

It is not surprising that a child aged three years old can turn on an iPhone. Do parents realize how they are compromising their children's mental state and health?

Televisions, computers and mobile phones can be listed out as culprits for most of the problems faced by young adults. Students who watch TV on a regular basis for long hours are more prone to insomnia. The light emitted from the TV affects melatonin levels in individuals. Melatonin is a hormone given by the pineal gland at night and under the conditions of darkness, it is known as a timing messenger signalling night time information in the body.  95% of teenagers sleep with their phone next to their bed. Having your phone next to you while sleeping is a sure recipe to lack of concentration and poor performance at school.
Lack of sleep has been connected with, ongoing depression, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, according to a recent research from Tech Timeout.

Being able to have everything with a click of a mouse repercussions, impatience which is a natural behavioural outcome. It is ironical how the same technology has helped us make an application that can help us to manage time wisely. Procrastinator is one such application that helps students watch the time and therefore be more aware about how much time is being spent.

On Sunday the 23rd of October, the peak time of lunch gave Subway the feeling like standing all alone on the hectic wall street, while 3 boys  sitting together were seen with their phone light beaming on their poker faces; instead of interacting with each other. “ That's rude” was said by one of the cashiers to another employee just across the boys.

In an interview conducted by me, common statements included, “ Seeing young adults on their phones more than 3 hours a day has been something quite common with them”.

It is of utmost importance for students to understand the use and subtle abuse of technology. Setting time limits on overall technology use, young adults stand to manage their time well and enjoy a healthy lifestyle too.

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