Wednesday 9 December 2015

Social Media - Frederique Pesch

It may sound dramatic but social media is taking over our lives, there is a repetitive urge to facebook, snapchat, instagram, tweet our daily lives to build a social profile, but virtual truth is that social media is stopping us from living in the moment and making us to scroll through the past.

With social media becoming so easily accessible 2.1 billion people have a social media account out of the 7.2 billion of us on earth and 72% of all internet users are now active on social media and 71% of the 72% are able to access social media by a mobile phone.In Addition facebook has over 1.4 billion users, Instagram currently has 300 million users and twitter has over 284 million users. And those are only 3 types of social media.

So why are we all so devoted to social media? To find out more I went to multiple people to ask what influences them to use social media, a prevailing answer among all was peer pressure. One girl’s story to how she became a victim to social media was particularly interesting, “as a 12yr old girl she was never interested in social media, her phone percentage was always zero and social media just wasn’t a big part of her life. Even if all the kids around her tend to use it quite a lot, she was never impacted, but coming off a flight she and her family were waiting for the luggage to arrive. Looking around she noticed everyone was on their phones, not wanting to be the odd one out she pulled out her phone and downloaded instagram. And started instagramming her daily life.”

Although in this girl’s story it was for the worse, social media does not always have to have a bad impact on people's lives. I1t is a great way to stand up for what you think is right, keep up to date with the latest news and even earn money, social media has changed the way we lead our lives.

In conclusion social media is more than just a way to express our daily lives.It is a really powerful trending media which alows people to spread news faster than ever. Social media has it’s goods and bads. But in the end social media is always going to be as addicting as chocolate, plus maybe scrolling through the past does not always need to be bad.

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